We provide a comprehensive range of General Practice services

General Medicine

  • Chronic disease management (e.g. Asthma, COPD, hypertension, heart disease etc)

  • Diabetes Care

  • General health checks, acute illness, screening

Investigations & Procedures

  • Blood testing

  • ECG

  • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring

  • Ear syringing

  • Dressings

  • Suturing

  • Cryotherapy*

  • Vitamin B12 injections

  • Prolia injections

Mental health management

Musculoskeletal & Sports Medicine including joint injection*

Repeat prescription service

Click on the appropriate link to request a script:

(Private Prescription | GMS/DVC Prescription)

(Please allow 2 working days for completion)

Out of hours co-op membership of DubDoc

*Some of these services are reimbursable from your health insurance, the amount will depend on your individual policy.

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare

  • Long acting contraception - Mirena, Jaydess, Implanon and Depo-Provera

  • Sexual health (STI) checks and PrEP

  • MyOptions-friendly practice, providing Early Medical Abortion Care

  • Men's Health - cardiovascular risk assessment, prostate screening, erectile dysfunction

  • Women's health - family planning, emergency contraception, cervical smear, antenatal & menopause care


  • Primary childhood vaccination programme

  • Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination

  • Whooping cough vaccination

  • Travel vaccinations

  • Chickenpox and shingles vaccination

  • HPV vaccine

  • Meningitis B Vaccination

Occupational health and certification

  • Driving licence medicals

  • Garda Doctor of Choice Scheme

  • Medical certification

  • Employment medicals

  • Return to work certificates

  • Medico-legal reports

  • Enduring power of attorney

  • Passport-form witnessing

  • Sick certification



An updated list of charges will be in operation from 1st June 2022. Please see here for a full list of our fees.

  • General consultation - €65

  • Blood test - €35 (ordered by a GP in Eldon Family Practice)

  • Extended consultation - €100

    • Due to patients’ requests for more time with the doctor for certain appointments, we have added an option for an ‘extended consultation’.

    • Please request this when booking your appointment if you want an extended consultation.

    • Examples of when this might be needed:

      • Appointments longer than 20 minutes

      • More than three issues to discuss

      • An initial menopause consultation

      • A psychological complaint which may require more time

  • A full listing of our fees (from 07/06/2022) can be found here